Criminal Record Expungement
San Diego Expungement Attorney
Experienced Criminal Lawyer to Expunge Your Criminal Record
My law firm can expunge your prior criminal convictions and clear your record (See Penal Code section 1203.4). Remember, your past convictions can be expunged to help you with schooling, employment and to better your future. If your prior conviction was a felony, then an experienced criminal attorney in my firm will first reduce the felony conviction to a misdemeanor conviction, if available, before obtaining an expungement.
In most cases, all you need to do is give us your name, date of birth and what court house you believe your prior conviction is in and we can do the rest with you never having to go to court. Of course, if you have the criminal case number that always helps. An experienced criminal attorney in my firm will file the formal petition and or motion with the court to have your criminal record expunged. However, many requirements do exist and some convictions are not able to expunged.
My firm has handled hundreds of expungements for clients in and out of San Diego and even clients from other States who unfortunately obtained a criminal conviction while living in or visiting San Diego some time in their past. Often times, when they were in college.
Call My Law Firm to Speak with a Criminal Lawyer Not a Paralegal or Case
Please feel free to contact my firm and talk with an experienced criminal defense attorney with any expunging your record questions that you may have. I take personal responsibility in my firm’s “commitment to excellence” in obtaining a favorable result on your expungement whether it’s in San Diego County or elsewhere . I look forward to hearing from and meeting you soon. Once again, thank you for consulting with a criminal lawyer in my law firm for your legal representation.