Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence & Spousal Battery
San Diego Domestic Violence & Spousal Battery Criminal Lawyers

The Law Firm of Leslie Legal Group has represented hundreds of clients charged with domestic violence and spousal battery charges. Traditionally, the male in the relationship is the one that gets arrested by the police in a domestic violence investigation. Recently, however, the females (wives, girlfriends) are being arrested just as often! If police come to your house for a domestic violence call and one or both persons have any bruises, scratches or marks, then someone is going to jail!
If you have been arrested and charged with a domestic violence charge please contact my office immediately to protect your rights and protect you from any restraining or protective orders that may be issued against you! Domestic violence charges can range from misdemeanor to felony charges including battery, criminal threats, stalking, sexual assault, destruction of property, intimidation, kidnapping, false imprisonment, murder, manslaughter and potentially child endangerment charges if the argument or incident was committed in front of any children.
It is extremely important that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney in these cases because any plea of guilty or no contest can and will most likely result in numerous harsh terms and conditions of probation including an expensive and time cumbersome 52 week domestic violence abuse program along with stiff fines and penalties.
Call My Law Firm to Speak with a Criminal Lawyer Not a Paralegal or Case Manager
To speak directly with me or another criminal attorney in my Firm, please call or contact us. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you and representing you and more importantly, protecting, your rights in a domestic violence or spousal battery case in San Diego, Vista, Carlsbad or elsewhere.